29 wrz 2010

Snaki 'Zombie'


I've been working on Snaki commercial lately and you can watch the final animation below. As always Kamil did very nice rigs but I also got this chance to animate the first shot in Motionbuilder (fast rigging is an advantage) and I can honestly say that I enjoy working on in. Unfortunetly there is always a 'but' but maybe next time I will write more about it..
This is the beginning of a journey with motionbuilder.

You can also check rigging test and some quick animations.

24 wrz 2010

8 Bits - Great Stuff


I found 8 Bits animation very interesting and hopefully you'll enjoy it to. Great animation, music and direction. Don't need to mention about arcade game style, amazing...

22 wrz 2010

CG Pulp Fiction


I forgot to show you quite interesting commercial I've been working on few moths ago. It's the Pulp Fiction parody, maybe just one of the famous scenes;)

Check this out!

There will be a reincarnation of the sausages, so visit my blog soon!

4 wrz 2010

Turkey animation


I had the pleasure to work on turkey animation test for BadiBadi studio. I've been working on it for about 2 weeks and it was really enjoyable:)
Kamil made a superb rig for it and animating became much easier then I thought at the beginning.

Anyway, below you can see the animation and hopefully you like it:)


26 sie 2010

Animation reel 2009

Finally I found some time to update my blog and post animation reel I did in march this year. You can find there some animations I worked at in 2009.
